ABC Teacher Discount

What is the ABC Teacher Discount?

This is our gift to anyone who is "a teacher or lecturer working at an educational establishment in a teaching capacity" in The Netherlands.

It is free, issued yearly and valid until August 31st.

Related to the 10% discount enjoyed by schools, this enables teachers to get 10% off all personal purchases. It is valid for almost all purchases, in-store and online: books, games, merchandise, e-books, magazines & sale items. The only items excluded are newspapers.

How does it work and how long is it valid?

You must be teaching in The Netherlands

In-store: Tell staff that you have been registered for the ABC Teacher Discount, they will look up your status in the computer.
Online: The Teacher Discount will be active for online purchases when you receive the confirmation email.

About the application process:
  • Verification is done manually on weekdays, so may take some time.
  • Workplace information is only used for the purpose of verification.
  • If you are listed on your place of work's website, adding a web address will aid verification.
  • Once processed you will receive a confirmation and, if granted, your discount is active immediately.
  • The confirmation email will include a link to activate your ABC web-account.
  • You can change the email to your private email address once accepted.
  • Note: If you already have an ABC web-account you can request the discount be transferred to it by repling to the confirmation email.

Apply for ABC Teacher Discount

Reminder: this service is only for those working in the Netherlands

Your Information:
Workplace Information:

This information is for verification purposes.
If your application is accepted, you can change your ABC account email to your private email address.

ABC Schools Program