I'll Remind Him
J.R. Fehribach
€ 16.00
This title can be printed on demand on Betty the Book Machine in Amsterdam.
I'LL REMIND HIM is a collection of poems recounting the author's experiences of dating violence. No topic is too taboo to discuss as we witness her story: the fear and inner-conflict that comes with loving someone who is so cruel; the head-first plunge into existential loneliness, depression, and uncertainty after her escape; and perhaps, most importantly, what occurs on the other side of it all: growth, (some) inner peace, and learning to love - romantically and platonically - again. This book contains 90 poems and includes inky illustrations to enhance and compliment the words on the page.
ABC EBM Books Self-Published PoetrySelected Highlights
ABC Friends
This title can be printed on demand on Betty the Book Machine in Amsterdam.